Posted by Pete Hylton on 10 March 2014 | Comments

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The Band’s AGM was held and all committee positions were re-elected. The full committee is listed online on our ‘About’ section. Bob Godfrey is now Chairman and Dave Cross, Fergus Brown and Alan Stretton join the committee. The Band were delighted to welcome Mrs Prue Cross as Vice President. Prue's family have been involved with Amington Band for many years. Her late husband, Roly, was a central figure in the Band for many years and their nephew, Dave Cross, still plays with the Band now. 

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Areas 2014

Posted by Pete Hylton and Steph Morris on 10 March 2014 | Comments

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The Band competed at the Areas and came a respectable (if slightly disappointing!) 7th place. This was an emotional day for the Band – a few weeks before this contest, with a few seats to fill and a new MD in the Band, we could have been forgiven for giving the contest ‘a miss’. However, we went and we played a performance that we were proud of. Friends and supporters had the Band in a podium finishing place. Tweets from the British Bandsman and 4BarsRest echoed the positive views of our performance:

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A new venture....

Posted by on 7 March 2014 | Comments

Two days ahead of the Areas, the Band fielded the new Amington Band Ten-Piece ensemble to play at the 25th birthday celebrations for Tamworth Sainsbury’s. There aren’t many Brass Bands who get to play happy birthday for a supermarket. Or drink bucks fizz out of shot glasses. Or give an interview live on Tamworth’s Touch FM in the middle of a concert. We would like to wish Sainsbury’s a happy birthday and wish them well for the next 25 years – and beyond. We would also like to thank Debra Smith who kindly helped us out for the concert. Finally, we would like to thank two local Tamworth schools for kindly giving permission for two of the players to miss school - albeit for the morning! 

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Butlins...and beyond!

Posted by on 24 January 2014 | Comments

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The Band worked hard to prepare for the Butlins Contest. However, the end result of 17th place was not the intended outcome!
During January, several changes to personnel took place and the Musical Director took the decision to resign from the Band. Following Wesley Kendrick’s resignation, the Band appointed Kevin Steward as Musical Director and a number of new signings were welcomed.

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